Murderer Oscar Pistorius Released From Prison

Oscar Pistorius holds his temples while on trial, wearing a suit.

PRETORIA, South Africa — Murder and disgraced former Paralympian, Oscar Pistorius was released from prison on parole on Friday by authorities in Pretoria.

Pistorius’ sentence is due to expire in 2029 became a parolee as of the 5th of January, released almost 11 years since he murdered Reeva Steenkamp on Valentines Day 2013.

Steenkamp’s family has consistently opposed his release, saying that he was not remorseful or rehabilitated. Adding to the frustration for the Steenkamps was the fact that Pistorius’ parole was denied in March with the impression that it would be considered in a year. The family didn’t contest the release citing a lack of energy to keep facing the man that murdered their daughter.

The family made a statement through a lawyer on Friday “There can never be justice if your loved one is never coming back, and no amount of time served will bring Reeva back.”

That time served came out to be just eight and a half years, in addition to seven months under house arrest while awaiting trial. This is longer than his original sentence of five years, being found guilty of culpable homicide. But the prosecution appealed to the Supreme Court which increased the crime to murder, giving him one additional year. On further appeal Pistorius was given his final sentence of 13 years and five months after the judge described the sentence as “shockingly lenient”.

South African Model, Reeva Steenkamp, poses for a photo, wearing a brown leather jacket and blue jeans, her wrists are covered with wristbands, her light blonde hair frames her face.

Women’s rights group, Women for Change, echoed that sentiment “We are talking about somebody’s life that’s been taken… The fact that someone can walk out free eight years later, it tells us that it’s not that big of a deal,” said spokesperson Bulelwa Adonis, adding that on average 12 women are murdered in South Africa every day.

Like many countries, South Africa allows convicts to complete their sentence at home after completing most of their time in prison. Pistorius will be closely monitored for the next six years and he will have to update officials if he seeks work or moves. The Steenkamp family also stated that Pistorius will be required to undergo Anger Management classes and attend sessions on gender-based violence something that has been a blight on South Africa.

Reporters had gathered at the front of the gates at his Uncle’s wealthy Pretoria neighborhood, where he is expected to live, but he was snuck inside through a back entrance.

One of the most financially successful para athletes, Pistorius’ sponsors eventually abandoned him after the conviction, however given his family’s wealth, accumulated during apartheid, he won’t have any financial worries.

Reva Steenkamp’s family has started a foundation, the Steenkamp Foundation, to “help prevent similar cases in the future”. Donations can be made on the foundation’s website.

Indian Paralympian Called to High Court

CHENNAI, T.N., India – Rio 2016 T42 High Jump gold medalist Mariyappan Thangavelu has received some unwelcome attention as he has been called into the Madras High Court following a court order on Tuesday.

Justice Ramesh of the high court issued the order, after previously listing Mariyappan as a respondant in a murder case. The case concerns the death of a 19 year-old Satish Kumar with Mariyappan called in as a potential defendant.

Kumar was found dead near railway tracks in the town of Salem in Tamil Nadu state, this death came after an alleged collision with Mariyappan. The question in the case is whether the death was an accident because of the collision or whether there was any further assault of Kumar as part of the incident.

The allegation is that after Kumar hit Mariyappan’s car, Mariyappan and his friends, in the car with Mariyappan at the time, grabbed Kumar and assaulted him. Allegedly Kumar escaped and returned home only for the group to grab him again, steal his phone and assault him again.

The accusations stem from the victims mother, who attempted to get a police investigation into the matter staged, but that ended up not happening. When that attempt failed she appealed to Justice Ramesh, who took this motion on Tuesday.

Following an attempt from the magistrate to get Mariyappan to respond to the case on September 11th went unanswered, this request takes it one further. Following the request Mariyappan will have to respond with the investigation proceeding from here.